Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What to Include in a Memorial Order of Service Template

Memorial services are held to pay tribute to a loved one.  These services can be short and sweet, with only a few words being said, or they can be filled with tributes, music, prayers, or anything else you feel will properly explain your loved one’s life. 

One of the easiest ways of creating a proper memorial service is to create a template that clearly defines what you want to include in the service.  When this information is included in the pamphlet, it ensures that all those who attend know what to expect, and when to expect it.

The first section can be used to include the information about the deceased, or at the very least the person’s name, date of birth, and their date of death.

funeral order of service template
Memorial template at FuneralPamphlets.com

Many memorial services begin with Opening Music.  You should be sure to include the title of the song, as well as the composer or singer.  If a group will be singing the opening music, you can shorten this to the name of the choir or group that is singing.  If you want those who are attending the service to join in the singing, you should include the lyrics for any songs that are not easily recognizable.

The second section will often be Welcoming Remarks or something similar.  You should include who will be speaking, as well as how they are related to the deceased.  If no family or friends are planning to speak, you can just include the name of the pastor or officiator.

You should also include any special ceremonies you wish to include in the service.  This can be a candle lighting ceremony, musical tributes, or readings.  You should be sure to include who is performing, leading, or singing, as well as their relationship.

Memorial order of service program
Memorial Program at FuneralPamphlets.com

The next section or line can be used for prayer, meditation, or moments of silence depending on whether you are choosing to have a religious or non-religious memorial service.  You should include the names of those who are leading the attendees. 

Final thoughts are often included at the end of the service to show that the services are coming to a close.  You can choose to have family or friends speak about their memories, or you can simply close the service with a reading of scripture or prayer.  Again, you should include the name and relationship of those involved.

You can also choose to include Closing Music, or Recessional.  This is usually when time is given for attendees to walk past the deceased and give their condolences to family members.  You should list the name of the song or songs, and who is performing it.  If you do not know this information, you should try to include the name of the composer or songwriter.

You can make the memorial order of service as long or as short as you like, depending on the amount of time allotted by the funeral parlor.  This is a personal choice that you should decide.You may choose to create yours from scratch, or for roughly $20 you may easily edit a print-ready memorial service template at FuneralPamphlets.com.

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